Crippled By Experience

I have been doing web development for a long time. In the early days that meant editing HTML without CSS, just font tags and animated gifs in Notepad, uploaded via FTP to my ISP provided "web space".

Web pages were basic and very simple to construct. I learned HTML through experimentation and "view source" along with millions of others.

There were few tools to choose from, no web server software to worry about, and it was mostly a game of making sure your page rendered correctly in each browser as new ones were released.

In the 28 years since there has been a web development explosion . There are a million tools, too many frameworks, a thousand different ways to approach and solve every problem.

I have tried a small fraction of the available options, yet have the battle scars of what worked and did not work during those years. That means for every new project I try and start, I am crippled by that experience.

I do not have the unbridled optimism or naive outlook of a new developer who has never tried anything before. The young upstart at school or college trying downloading node for the first time, getting their first Python function working, or wondering why there is so many things to learn before you can even write a line of code.

Instead my brain sees nothing but problems. The function that will not scale properly. The server configuration that works now, but which offers no high availability. The dependency tree which is not pinning any versions, so is just one npm attack away from oblivion.

Decisions are easier when you know nothing.